So the Vic's are back in school! I am sure missing the extra hands and their company. We had a great summer and took a few trips. We started the summer with a camping trip in San Diego for a soccer tournament and then of course our annual Yosemite trip. Then the 6 of us stayed in one of our resorts in Indio for a few days. Vic and I finished off the summer with a trip to Sonoma and Napa for our anniversary. We really needed that away time to re-focus on us. We can get lost in this craziness. The boys travel pretty well and I think are use to being on the go. People always ask us why do we do it. I think the best answer is we loved traveling before the boys and we still want to travel. No one wants to be left at home so we all go. Of course our destinations are closer to home these days but that's ok. We figure we have to do all of this at home wouldn't it be more fun to do it at a campsite or a resort condo. I knew when I stopped working it was going to be hard but God has seemed to bless us along the way and we have felt his love.
So the boys and I are getting back into our routine. I am always trying to think of things to keep them busy. When they get bored is when trouble occurs the most. We have outside playtime and I am trying to incorporate school. They of course don't have the attention span for anything long just time to show them the alphabet and corresponding pictures. They do love it because they are mini books for them to look at. Now with Vic he was in daycare since 14 months old so I had to remember with these boys I am their daycare and need to incorporate more learning. All more boys are changing so much and although some days can be overwhelming I am extremely thankful for these moments.
Victor- So Vic has started Jr High and really loves it. He is a great kid but is starting to get a little mouthy. Nothing out of control, he's just at that age. He is about to start a new season of soccer with his new team, Manchester United. He really loves this team and likes the coach alot. We also recently received his Star Testing results and scored advanced on both subjects. We continue to be amazed by him. He has his 1st school dance coming up. Yikes!
Isaac-Now my cuddly bear has turned a little whiney. I think it's a phase or at least I hope so. He is a chunky monkey but is starting to stretch. He is really such a sweetheart though. He still loves to eat the most and is very playful. He doesn't seem shy and it doesn't take him much to feel comfortable in a new environment. He can identify his nose, ears, eyes, cheeks, hair, hands, feet, lips and knees. Now I haven't done the best at teaching them signs. He does know the few I've shown him. Eat, thirsty, sleep, milk. He is starting to talk alot more.
Words Isaac is saying at 20 months: Mama, Papa, Victor, dog, please (said twice), ball, shoe, goal, cracker, ouch, no, car, bye, where are you, I lu you
Jeremiah-He is till my active baby. He does most things first and makes sure to show his brothers, in case they haven't thought about it yet. He is not whiney at all and only crys when he really gets hurt, physically or emotionally. He gets his feeling hurt easily and is sensitive. Although he is the most daring he gets frightened by things the easiest. He is very quiet with people he doesn't know but is very chatty when he's comfortable. He also does the same few signs and recognizes the same body parts.
Words Jeremiah is saying at 20 months: Mama, Papa, Victor, dog, bellybutton, ball, shoe, goal, cracker, no, car, bye, thirsty, where are you.
Samuel- Is probably my most stubborn. He very much acts like the baby and loves to be carried around still. He tends to stay away a little bit from his brothers. Although Isaac and Jeremiah are very close they also fight the worst. Samuel is not a fighter therefore if its Samuel and either one of his brothers it's very peaceful. Samuel uses the signs the most and lets me know right away if he wants to eat or is thirsty. He tends to watch first then act. Which is the opposite of his brothers. Although he is still the smallest, he makes up for it in his attitude! He also identifies the same body parts.
Words Samuel is saying at 20 months: Mama, Papa, Victor, dog, ball, baby, shoe, goal, cracker, no (he uses this one the best and tells us no), bye bye, where are you.
Forgot to mention, when they say goal, it's with both arms in the air, and more like goalllllll! We are such a soccer family!
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