Wow it has been a while since I have updated this blog. Between vacations and Samuel's final surgery it's been a whirl wind. I am so bad at this blogging thing. I am still trying though since I don't have time to get to the boys baby book I need to record their milestones somewhere. They are growing so super fast. So much has happened since my last post but I will try to just touch on the biggies. We also just got back from Utah and Yosemite for a getaway. The boys saw their first sunrise and it was over the Grand Canyon, not bad! They also went swimming in the pool for the 1st time in Utah. Went on their first bear run (not to be confused with beer run). The boys will be 8 months next week.
Lil Vic-Vic is now out of the 5th grade and enjoying summer. He is absolutely such a huge help with the boys and really is just wonderful with them. The boys recognize him now and love to hang out in his room. He makes bottles, changes diapers, and plays with them. I do try to make sure that he still gets his alone and away time since it wouldn't be fair to him to just have him watch babies all day. However he really does love and enjoy them. He also mowed the lawn for the first time. Now Vic is starting to act like a pre-teen with the attitude so we are just checking that before it gets out of control. Other than that he is a great kid! He has changed soccer teams and is back with Arsenal and it's nice to see some old faces. Oh no 6th grade here we come!
Isaac- My cuddly bear is still thriving. He is such a chunk and a sweetheart. He is always laughing. I mean always. He is such a happy baby. He is rolling all over the place and has began to crawl and sits up all by himself. He began to crawl on July 16th and sit up by himself on my birthday, July 23rd. He still continues to sleep through the night! Yea for that. Most parents probably are over joyed when their lil ones reach that milestone but the thought of having 3 babies mobile is terrifiying me. At his 6 month check-up he weighed 19 lbs 1 oz.
Jeremiah-My active tiger is just that. ACTIVE! He is rolling all over the place and is also crawling. He began crawling on July 16th and by the end of the day Isaac joined him. I guess he didn't want to be shone up by his little brother, by 1 minute. Jeremiah also sits up by himself as of July 25th. Oh no, now we're in for it. I was hoping he wouldn't be crawling by the time we left for Yosemite but he decided to do it the day before we left. Lucky us. Now he is our charmer but is also the most head strong. He fights his sleep and love to be the last one awake, every night. He also has a bad habit of wanting to wake up at night to eat. Yes it's only once but come on, you were sleeping through the night, Don't stop now. At Jeremiah's 6 month check-up he weighed 16 lbs 7 oz.
Samuel- So our lil fighter is doing well! He had his last surgery on June 8th which took away his colostomy bag. It is definitely easier to bathe the boys and he has just thrived once it came off. Son't get me wrong the 2 weeks after the surgery were very hard but it'a been uphill since them. Samuel is a very very good baby. He is still an ease to take care of except now he knows arms and loves them. He also knows how to get people to pick him up by giving them a sad face. At his 6 month check-up he weighed 14 lbs 1 oz. He had lost a full pound, down from 15 pounds from the last surgery but he is a great eater and will regain that in no time.
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